Four women waving at selfie

Catherine McAuley Circle - Tehama County

Mercy Foundation North's Charter Circle, the Catherine McAuley Circle at St. Elizabeth Community Hospital, is the force that spearheaded the beginning of our women's philanthropic groups.  For the past eight years, these women have pooled their $1,000 annual memberships to support amazing projects in Tehama County.  In 2020, the over 50 member Circle, supported a variety of projects, including: a Blood Bank Cell Washer, a UV Sterilization Box, two freezers for the Lab, and a SART Forensic exam table for the Emergency Department.  To date, over $310,000 has been raised over the last eight years and directed to a variety of projects at St. Elizabeth Community Hospital!


Enjoy the slideshow from past luncheons. If you would like to join the Catherine McAuley Circle at St. Elizabeth Community Hospital, please call 530.529.8016 or email


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